
Trademark Office Action Rejection Response Tool

What Action Needs to be Taken?


Look at the Office action - Summary of Issues (Example to the right)

In this case there is a:


- 2(d) Likelihood of Confusion Refusal - the USPTO thinks your trademark is similar to another trademark in the Register


- 2(e)(1) Merely Descriptive Refusal - the USPTO thinks the trademark describes a characteristic of the goods/services


- Specimen Issue


Free Response Templates for Office Action Refusals

Our free office action response tool prepares custom trademark likelihood of confusion, descriptiveness and disclaimer responses.


i) Fill out the form corresponding to your issue with your trademark info and the other trademark registration if applicable, and
ii) a complete response template is emailed to you.


Click Here for Likelihood of Confusion
Click here for Descriptiveness


Experience the precision and ease of AI-driven legal assistance today—try our tool below and keep your trademark application moving!


Likelihood of Confusion Response Form

Please see instructions below.

 Fill in the Form, and the Likelihood of Confusion Response Template is sent to you.


A. Email - Add your email to receive the draft office action response securely and confidentially. It arrives in about 30 seconds.



B. What is your Trademark? Add your trademark in plain text (no logo). Just the wording of the trademark.



C. What is the Trademark Serial No? Provide the Trademark Serial No. (eight digits).



D. What is the Class Number (e.g. 025) of the Goods/Services for your trademark? Provide the International Class Number from the goods/services. You can find this in the office action or the USPTO search at



E. What are the actual Goods/Services of your trademark? Provide the trademark's goods/services, or if the list is long, a summary of the main products.



F. What is the Trademark cited as similar to yours? What is the Trademark that is cited as similar? Input just the words, not the logo.



G. What is the Registration or Serial no of the cited trademark? Add the Registration (seven digits) or Serial No. (eight digits) of the similar trademark.



H. What are the cited Trademark's actual Goods/Services? What are the relevant cited goods/services of the cited trademark? Summarize and focus on overlapping goods or the most similar ones if the list it too long.

Descriptiveness Response Form


Please see instructions below.

 Fill in the Form, and the Descriptiveness Response Template is sent to you.


A. Email - Add your email to receive the draft office action response securely and confidentially. It arrives in about 30 seconds.



B. What is the Trademark Serial No? Provide the Trademark Serial No. (eight digits).



C. What is your Trademark? Add your trademark in plain text (no logo). Just the wording of the trademark.



D. What is the Class Number (e.g. 025) of the Goods/Services for your trademark? Provide the International Class Number from the goods/services. You can find this in the office action or the USPTO search at



E. What are the actual Goods/Services of your trademark? Provide the trademark's goods/services, or if the list is long, a summary of the main products.  In particular list those that the Examiner thinks are described by the trademark.